refund & cancellation
Payment Processing
All payment must be made upon order. We only accept Bank Transfer, PayNow via UEN and Credit Card (surcharge applies) at the moment. All cheques are made payable to THE HANGOVER LLP.
Confirmation of Orders
Orders must be placed at least 2 weeks before the event, and is subjected to our availability. We will contact the customer within 2 working days upon receiving the electronic order. Customers who did not hear from us are advised to contact us to confirm their order.
Late Payments
Late payments are subjected to a fee of 5% per month.
Changes to Orders
An administrative fee of $250 nett will be levied for any changes made to the menu/date/timing after the confirmation of the order, subjected to availability.
Cancellation of Orders
An administrative fee of 50% of the total value of the event will be imposed for any cancellation made more than 3 days prior to the date of event. For any orders cancelled after that, we impose an administrative fee of 90% of the total value of the event. No cancellation through phone is allowed unless stated otherwise.

© 2023 Chaz Events Pte Ltd

© 2023 The Hangover LLP